yesterday was, i mean.
i ate a lot and didn't throw up (trying to stop that). but that doesn't bother me so much, right now. i can, and will, lose the weight. i can, and will, get control back.
no, what made me mad beyond belief was this girl that used to live with us. not sure if i've mentioned her here. we had hung out only twice before she moved in, and it was terrible when she lived with us. she was all, "woe is me" and talked down to everyone, hit on one friend after she shot another down. et cetera. now she's trying to hang out at the pit, where all my friends gather on the weekends. now she's writing all over my mother's facebook wall saying she misses her.
get the fuck away from my family.
get the fuck away from my friends.
you are too intense for us.
you are too fucking much.
get the fuck out of my life.