Thursday, February 24, 2011

death is honor, flesh is weak.

*The Basics*
Name:: Jeckster.
Sex:: male.
Birthday:: October 22
Age:: 18
Location:: Here and there.
Hair Color:: Dark brown.
Eye Color:: Brown.

*My Eating Disorder*
What Eating Disorders Do You Have:: Medically speaking, it's EDNOS. but purging type anorexia.
How Long Have You Had Them:: urgh. less than a year.
Why Do You Have An Eating Disorder:: It makes me feel strong, safe, and most of all, clean. And I need to get rid of all this, of course.
Are You Proud or Ashamed of Your Eating Disorder:: I don't think I'm either.
Do People Know About Your Eating Disorder:: Yes.
Do You Wish People Knew About it:: Noooooo
Do You Wish You Never Had An Eating Disorder:: Sometimes. Sometimes I want to eat like a normal person and not puke or feel panicked when i eat over 500... but then i see my thights.
Do You Think The Media is Partially Responsible For Your Eating Disorder:: This is completely internal.

*My Body*
Weight Before Eating Disorder:: 160 ew ew ew ew
Height: 5'8’’
Current Weight:: 135 or so.
Highest Weight:: 160.
Lowest Weight:: ... my cw.
Are You Tired A lot:: oh yes.
Have You Ever Fainted:: no.
Are You Cold All The Time:: chillier than i used to be, certainly.
Do Your Ribs Show:: yes, actually :D <3
Do Your Hipbones Show:: a little.
Does Your Collar Bone Show:: yes!! :D but not as much as i'd like
Can You See Your Ribs Through Your Back:: i dunno.
Do Your Thighs Touch:: yes. D;
Chest Size:: i choose not to disclose.
Does Your Head Look Too Big For Your Body:: maybe. o-o
Are You Satisfied With The Way You Look Now:: ha. hahahahahah. hahahaha.
If You Could, What Would You Change About Yourself:: the fatness, the curves. the femininity. the teeth.
What Is Your B.M.I.:: um, around 20.
What Do The Doctors Say is Your Ideal Weight:: my healthy weight is between 120 and 160. hahah.
What Do You Think Is Your Ideal Weight:: double digits.

*My Thinspirations*
Who Are Your Thinspirations:: cute little emo boys. girls with thinthinthin thighs. my girl sAm. :3
Who is Your Favorite Thinspiration:: this one picture i have saved, of a boy who MUST starve himself.
Who is Your Second Favorite Thinspiration:: william beckett. :P
Why Do You Envy Them:: skinny legs. skinny arms.
What's The Best Thing About Them:: they look happy, content, confident.
What's The Worst Thing About Them:: i don't know.
Would You Trade Places With Them If You Could:: nnnnnmaybe.

*My Mind*
Do You Consider Your Eating Disorder a 'Disorder':: in the medical sense, sure. but it feels right to me.
Are You Pro-Ana/Pro-Mia:: yes, if we're going by my definition of it.
Would You Ever Want Your Best Friend To Have An Eating Disorder:: my best friend is sAm, and she has one. i'm very conflicted about it. i love having someone so close that understands, but she's way too beautiful inside and out to hurt this much, to hate her body so. i just want her to be safe.
What Are Your Disordered Eating Habits:: calorie counting and restricting, i cut meat out of my diet, self-induced vomiting, impulsive over-exercising, laxative abuse, chewing and spitting, sabotaging food or throwing it away.
Are You Obsessive Compulsive:: about some thing, yes.
Are You A Perfectionist:: about my writing, yes.
Do You Have Depression:: yes.
Are You A Cutter:: not as much as i used to be.
Have You Ever Been Suicidal:: yes.
Have You Ever Attempted Suicide:: i got close, but no.
Have You Ever Been Hospitalized For Mental Reasons:: yes, twice.
Have You Ever Been Hospitalized For Your Eating Disorder:: noooo.
Do You Have Body Dismorphic Disorder:: yep. diagnosis and everything.

*Your Life Outside Your Disorder*
Favorite Color:: blue.
Favorite Movie:: girl, interrupted. thirteen.
Favorite Book:: wintergirls or wasted. haha.
Favorite T.V. Show:: intervention, what's eating you?, face off, true life.
Favorite Season:: anything but winter.
Favorite Day of The Week:: doesn't matter.
Favorite Time Of Day::. ha. doesn't matter.
Favorite Holiday:: holidays = food and candy. blegh.
Favorite Hobby:: hiding.
Favorite Actor:: simon pegg, michael c. hall.
Favorite Actress:: edie falco.
Favorite Musician:: anyone from avenged sevenfold.
Do You Have Any Pets:: my boyfriend. :P no, i don't.
What Do You Like To Do In Your Spare Time:: read, sleep, watch TV.

*The Future*
What Do You Want To Study In College:: creative writing, english in general.
What Career Do You Want:: god, i don't know...
Do You Ever Want To Get Married:: yes. but i fear that this eating disorder might really complicate things.
Do You Ever Want Kids:: oh, yes. <3
Where Do You Want To Live:: in a big commune, with my friends and family and happiness and parties every night.
Will You Have Any Pets:: probably.
What Type of House Do You Want:: four walls and a bed? i dunno.
What Goals Do You Have That Are Unrelated To Your Eating Disorder:: publish a book.
What's Your Number One Priority:: GET THIN.
How Do You Think You Will Die:: heart attack / broken hip / ruptured esophagus.
When Do You Think You WIll Die:: i dunno.
Will You Be Missed By Anyone:: i like to think so.
Will You Have Any Regrets:: nah.
Will You Have Any Unfinished Business:: maybe.
Will Your eating disorder still be affecting you:: yes.

Friday, February 18, 2011

message received, loud and clear, my friend.

a friend of mine said, in passing, that i am basically an attention whore.

message received, loud and clear, my friend.

i'm not just working on my body, now, but my personality: i'll be quiet and cold and i'll only speak when spoken to. i'll be a good little boy: tired, dead, cold, skin and bones.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

strength of the world.

Size: i don't wear dresses. wouldn't know.
Age: 18.
Highest Weight: 160 lbs.
Lowest Weight: 138 lbs...
Goal Weight: 99 lbs.

Favorite Diet Food?
salad, apples, broccoli.

Favorite Binge Food?
bagels with butter and sugar.

Favorite Exercise?
walking, running, sex.

pretty hipster boys.

What Makes You Slip Up?
when the 'rents go grocery shopping and bring a bunch of good stuff in.

What Makes You Strong?
hunger pains, the dizziness, the light headedness.

When Did It Start?
last summer, i think.

Does Anyone Know?
sAm, my boyfriend, a few friends.

Do You Want Help?
yeah, help getting fucking thin.

How Many Calories Do You Consume A Day?
usually 500.

What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?
too much. too girly. too weird.

Are You In A Relationship?
yes. i don't know what i'd do without him, honestly.

Is It For Attention?
maybe a part of it, as much as this shames me to admit. but most of it, no, it's all mine, it's all secret.

Are You The Fat Or Thin One Out Of Your Friends?
in between, i guess.

Are You Depressed?

Ever Tried To Commit Suicide?

Ever Been To A Psychologist?
yes, two.

Are You On Any Medication?

I AM -
[x] anorexic
[x] ednos
[ ] bulimic
[x] living off diet pills
[ ] hungry
[x] thirsty
[ ] drinking something
[ ] eating something
[ ] under 100lbs
[x] starving myself
[ ] participating in a fast
[ ] vegan

[ ] ask if I’m anorexic/bulimic
[x] call me fat
[x] say I’m skinny
[ ] say I’m ugly
[x] say I’m pretty
[ ] spread rumors about me
[ ] force me to eat
[ ] say I eat too much
[ ] wish I’d eat more
[x] don't know I'm anorexic/bulimic
[x] have tried to stop me

[x] I was thin
[x] I had a better body
[x] I didn't have to eat
[x] I could control myself
[x] I was under 110lbs
[x] I could avoid food
[x] I could hide what I am
[x] I wasn’t fat
[x] I was prettier
[ ] I could stop being ana/mia
[ ] I had a boy/girlfriend
[x] I could disappear

[x] feeling hungry
[x] seeing a difference
[x] shaking
[x] being weak (but strong at the same time)
[x] losing weight
[x] being anorexic/bulimic
[ ] green tea
[x] diet pills
[x] being able to turn down food
[x] feeling good about myself

[x] when people stare
[x] being asked questions
[x] having to eat
[ ] being single
[x] wearing short skirts
[x] being fat
[x] looking ugly
[x] feeling this way
[ ] fat people

[x] more support
[x] people to stay out of my business
[x] more friends
[ ] someone to know
[x] less food
[x] more water
[x] a gym membership
[ ] to lose 50 lbs
[x] to lose 30 lbs
[x] to lose 10 lbs

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

male thinspo.